What a wonderful way to start a rainy Friday morning! Several Alliance for Greater Good board members and a number of supporters got to enjoy breakfast and lively conversation at the Golden Egg Diner in Portsmouth, and then got to spread a little bit of sunshine and kindness by giving our server a large surprise tip!
Donna, who has been a server for over 20 years, was brought to tears!
“You have no idea; this is life changing! My son is getting married in June, and this will be so helpful. You just have no idea!” - Donna, Golden Egg Diner Server

Golden Egg Server Overcome with Joy
Donna couldn’t wait to call her mother to share the news. Her mother had seen news coverage of other groups doing this and had asked Donna, “why doesn’t this ever happen to you?” In fact, the Alliance got the inspiration to hold this event from a story about the Thousand Dollar Breakfast Club in Massachusetts.
Proving that kindness does indeed spread, Donna paid it forward by generously sharing some of her tip with the cooks and the dishwasher whom she said were crying happy tears right along with her!
As with the very best of the events sponsored by the Alliance for Greater Good, this act of kindness not only made a positive impact on our beneficiary, but it also was a rewarding and feel-good experience for all the volunteers who participated. It was truly a win-win kind of day! As a participant and Alliance supporter Vicki Walters said, “What a great day to make someone’s day!”

For more information or to share ideas for future events, email the Alliance for Greater Good at alliance.greatergood@gmail.com, visit its website and follow it on Facebook and Instagram to learn about future events.